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ULI Philippines Webinar: Innovative Solutions for Risk Management and Business Continuity
Industry experts share on best practices on creating risk management solutions, their recommendations on effective BCP implementation.
29 July 2020
We’re so pleased to announce Jean de Castro, CEO of ESCA Inc. was recently appointed the first female Chair of ULI Philippines.
Assuming her role amidst a global pandemic, Jean says, “The COVID-19 crisis causes us to rethink our whole world. Right now, it’s about saving lives and just surviving. But as the weeks and months advance, leaders in cities across the Philippines need achievable paths forward to thrive again. The lessons we learn today and the plans we make to rebuild must deliver a more inclusive, just and sustainable world.”
For her term 2020-2022, Jean seeks to enlarge the group’s impact across the Philippines, where the complex issues of hyper urbanization, land use, environmental preservation – among many others – are most acute. She plans to accomplish these through four pillars: Innovation, Sustainability, Learning & Development and increasing public engagement through more strategic communications.
She intends to build her Chairmanship upon four core focus pillars:
Together with her Executive Committee, Jean de Castro, CEO of ESCA Incorporated, will lead in furthering the mission and vision of ULI in the Philippines
Joining Jean is a diverse group of senior and next generation leaders to serve as ULI Philippines Executive Management Committee:
“In bringing together leaders from different industries,” said Jean, “I wanted to highlight the unique cross-disciplinary nature of ULI, ensure diversity and mixed perspective from more senior members of the industry and the next generation leaders. We come into this term with eyes wide open to the difficult road ahead.” She adds, “In the Philippines, we have seen how each crisis in the past has confronted us with our mortality, but at the same time allowed us to celebrate our heroism and resilience as a people. We will be relentless in facing this current crisis together with courage, creativity and resilience.”
Jean succeeds the highly successful term of Delfin Angelo “Buds” Wenceslao, Chief Executive Officer of D.M. Wenceslao & Associates Inc. who held the position of ULI Philippines Chairman for 2018-2020. Under Buds’ leadership, ULI Philippines increased membership by over 40%, and launched several keystone projects, including the ULI Philippines Conference and the first study tours outside of Metro Manila.
Prior to being National Chair, Jean was active as a member of ULI Women’s Leadership Initiative (WLI). She is the only Filpino to have graduated from the Senior Executive Institute (SEI) Program of the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) in the United States. A lawyer by profession, she is an experienced litigator with extensive construction arbitration and commercial litigation experience.
ULI Philippines thanks outgoing ULI Philippines Executive Committee members who contributed immensely to expand the programming and reach of ULI Philippines in the previous term:
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